November Nature Calendar

November Nature Calendar

Another month! 

Every month I enjoy sitting down and making these calendars for you!  And every month I get emails and messages from families that tell me how much these simple calendar inspire them to get outside. 

I put a lot of effort into making them... I believe in making them as beautiful as possible!. 

Heads up:  This month there is a link to YouTube included on the "bat study".  It is a 2 minute video on echolocation.  I wanted to children to actually "see" how bats communicate and found that video interesting. 


There are a lot of references to using your nature journal.  If your child does not have a nature journal, using a plain piece of paper works.  We are trying to not only record our nature findings but also form the habit of journal keeping :) 

My Nature Binder is HERE and currently half off with the code: NATURE 


Download NOVEMBER Calendar HERE


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